By: Sarah Colvin

May 08 2014

Category: Uncategorized

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Focal Length:4.28mm
Shutter:1/0 sec
Camera:iPhone 4S




A path of sand, between wind worn wooden fencing, leading from the pavement to the sea. First along the river side, tiptoeing over marsh grass and reeds, following the trail as the wind blew circles around my face. Sparkling fast moving current, rippled sand of low tide, winter washing away and spring taking over. Pass the shell tree, conchs ensconced on dead branches, reaching for sun. Rounding the tip, foam collects along the shoreline, it’s mermaids in perpetuity, resting along the warming sand. Ripples like clouds in the sand,  stones and rocks in shapes and lines across the shore.  Dowses beach, there, beyond the channel: fishermen pushing elbows over the railing at the dock. Wide open sky and sea. Shoeless along the shoreline walking back, the gentle waves lapping at my feet. Ladyslippers, kelp, spider crabs, hermits at the wrack line, jingle shells and wampum. Sun, sea and shore, bliss and perfection.

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